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Sour cream and chocolate ganache. Recipes for making ganache cream for covering a cake with mastic. Other options for making ganache

French desserts They are distinguished by their delicate taste and incredible lightness, and today we will talk about such a dish as ganache. More precisely, it is not so much a dessert as an addition to sweet treats, cream. For example, mastic ganache is a common recipe that allows you to beautifully decorate pies, cakes and other delicacies.

This cream is made on a chocolate base with the addition of butter and cream. If you make this dessert denser and thicker in structure, you can use it to make truffle sweets or make a layer of cake.

So, from words to actions. Below are four different ways to make ganache for decorating cakes or other baked goods at home.

  • The first recipe is a classic, so-called chocolate ganache cream. To prepare it you will need:
  • Heavy cream, approximately 110 ml;
  • Dark chocolate with high cocoa content, approximately 100 grams;

Butter, approximately 35 grams.

This dessert is easy to prepare according to the classic French tradition. First you need to break the chocolate into small pieces. Place it in a bowl.

Next comes the cream. They are poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil (however, do not let it boil). The recipe is quite simple, and the next step is mixing the chocolate with the creamy mass. There is no need to stir, just pour the hot cream over the chocolate. Leave the bowl alone for a couple of minutes. Then you have to use a whisk to turn the chocolate and cream into cream. The final touch - butter

. After adding it, the contents of the bowl need to be mixed again. Now the classic chocolate ganache is ready. But this is just the beginning!

Rum ganache This unusual recipe

  • Exotic lovers will love it. Dessert will require about twenty minutes of your time. For preparation you will need:
  • 250 grams of dark chocolate;
  • a glass of cream;

The first step is to chop the chocolate into small pieces. The next step is to bring the cream to a boil. Heat over low heat or in a water bath. The chocolate is poured with boiling cream and a thick cream is obtained using a whisk. When the mass has become homogeneous, add a spoonful of rum or cognac. Mix again. Cooled cream will decorate any dessert and give it a piquant taste.

Delicate and light white cream is very popular in Italian cuisine. The recipe below is perfect for topping a cheesecake, filling a macaroon, or a classic cherry pie.


  • 200 grams white chocolate
  • 100 milliliters cream (the thicker the better)
  • vanillin and spices (optional)

The cooking process is no less simple than those suggested above. First, bring the cream to a boil, then add the chocolate to the saucepan and melt it, stirring thoroughly.

The result should be a homogeneous mass. Next, the future ganache is whipped with a mixer. The recipe calls for the smoothest possible surface of the ganache. After this, the cream is cooled in the refrigerator. The resulting delicacy can be used to decorate a cake, pie or any other dessert.

This recipe implies a sauce-like consistency, and therefore, unlike the thicker classic ganache, it is suitable for pancakes, pancakes and other similar dishes.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 350 milliliters of full-fat cow's or coconut milk;
  • 50-100 grams of brown sugar.

This recipe is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but general principle remains the same. First, the chocolate is broken into small pieces.

Milk is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. It is important to understand that if you choose coconut milk, you need to shake it first. When the milk warms up a little, sugar is added to it. Be sure to mix the mixture thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves completely.

When the milk has reached approximately 90 degrees, they need to pour in the chopped chocolate and leave for a few minutes. The future dessert needs to be carefully mixed, and it is best to do this with a mixer, adjusting the stirring speed according to the thickening of the cream: the denser the structure becomes, the greater the intensity should be.

When the dessert has reached a homogeneous consistency, the ganache is ready. This recipe, like the ones above, is universal and suitable for decorating any dessert.

And a few more important little things

All the above recipes are a base that can be taken as a basis and used in various ways. You can add vanillin, cardamom, mint, cinnamon and other ingredients to your taste to any ganache.

The consistency can be adjusted with milk or chocolate. For example, if you want to make the ganache more liquid, add full-fat milk. If you need a thicker mass, you should melt more chocolate into it.

Ganache is traditionally used for baking, but a more liquid version can be used for original serving of ice cream, soufflé, baked apples and other desserts.

In general, it all depends on your imagination, and if you wish, the most ordinary and the simplest dessert can turn into a real delicacy that will be appreciated not only by your family members, but also by your guests. Moreover, even the most picky people will be forced to give a positive rating. Inspiration, patience, creative ideas and bon appetit!

Video recipe for making ganache cream

Ganache is a thick cream made from chocolate. Confectioners simply cover it with it ready cake or use it as a base before applying mastic. The paste is great for leveling the surface of the cake and its edges; it hardens quickly and tightly. This emulsion is also used to fill cupcakes and muffins, and to decorate truffles and other sweets. The taste of the delicacy is an amazing duet of milk cream and chocolate.

History of chocolate ganache

Ganache is an amazing manifestation of French confectionery talent. The history of the name that it received is very interesting. chocolate cream in France. In general, the very appearance of the delicacy remains a mystery to many, because it appeared completely by accident. A pastry chef working in a French restaurant accidentally spilled hot chocolate cream, as a result of which the chef called him an offensive word, which in French sounds like “ganache”, and translated into Russian as “blockhead”. Having tasted what came out due to the carelessness of the employee, the owner was amazed: the mass had an excellent taste, was tender, and hardened quickly. This is how a new cream paste appeared, to which a random name was assigned so quickly that no one had time to come up with anything more suitable.

Features of the composition of ganache

In order for the chocolate ganache for coating the cake to be thick, to be able to harden in time, and to allow the edges to be evened out, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. The following products are usually used to prepare cream:

  • Chocolate. And not a “confectionery bar” with its taste, but real, dark, classic, with a large percentage of cocoa in the composition (at least 60%).
  • Sugar. Rarely used. Any type will do: large or small, white or brown. The main thing is not to take powder.
  • Cream. They are often replaced with milk, condensed milk and even sour cream. This component of the recipe improves the taste and makes the pasta more tender.
  • Oil. Quite a common, but not permanent component. It is better to take with a high percentage of fat content, which will be at least 72%.
  • Cocoa. Various recipes use the powder as an addition to chocolate or instead of it. It is better to choose a natural composition, without any additives.

Each recipe for amazing glaze is a little different from the other with a set of ingredients. The basic set can be supplemented with various additives, such as honey, zest, powdered milk. Depending on the composition, the technology for cooking the cream may also change.

Classic ganache recipe

According to basic French recipe thick cream made from small quantity ingredients, and also contains no sugar - for this reason the cream will be slightly bitter:

  • Cream – at least 35% fat – 100 ml;
  • Dark chocolate – 100 g;
  • Oil drain. – 40 g.

Prepare classic version DIY cream is very simple, just follow the diagram:

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Place the cream in a small saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour hot cream into chocolate and let sit for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Using a spoon, carefully stir the mixture until smooth.
  5. Add oil, stir again so that the paste does not break up into layers.

That's all the effort that was required to get the classic French chocolate cream. It is ideal for covering a cake with fondant. If you need white chocolate ganache to cover the cake, make it the same way, just using a different type of chocolate.

Recipe for ganache with condensed milk

To make a chocolate coating based on condensed milk, you don’t need to be a guru - you just need to follow the proportions and sequence of introducing the products. The specified number of products in the list will be enough for a cake with a diameter of 23 cm:

  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Cocoa – 10 g;
  • Chocolate – 250 g;
  • Condensed milk – 100 ml.

How to make glaze with condensed milk:

  1. Grind the chocolate bar, then melt it in a steam bath. Do the same with oil.
  2. Beat the butter with a mixer for 5 minutes, adding condensed milk in parts.
  3. Add cocoa, also cooled chocolate, beat everything.
  4. Leave the liquid paste on the table to thicken (10 minutes is enough).

After the specified time has passed, you must immediately apply it to the cake.

Milk ganache recipe

The recipe for the milk cake coating is similar to the previous one, only it does not contain cocoa. You need to take 200 g of butter and chopped chocolate, plus 100 ml of milk. Add chocolate to hot milk, place the container in a steam bath; leave until the mass becomes homogeneous. Once it cools down, add the oil little by little, stirring thoroughly. You can add vanilla for taste. Use the milk cream to decorate the cake after it has cooled slightly.

Cocoa ganache recipe

This option can be called economical, and in addition to coating, it can be used for layering the cake.


  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Cocoa – 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. (no more than 2 additional spoons if you need more sweetness);
  • Milk – 150 ml.

The butter needs to be softened in advance. In a separate bowl, combine cocoa and sugar and mix. Add milk, put on water bath. After the sugar has dissolved and the cream has acquired a homogeneous structure, remove and cool. Add the butter and stir well with a spoon.

Recipe for ganache with honey

Honey, an affordable, healthy product loved by everyone, will add a zest to the chocolate ganache for the cake. It will make the cream more aromatic and palatable. Recipe honey glaze excludes sugar - it is not necessary. The rest of the products are almost the same:

  • Cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • Oil - the same amount;
  • Honey – one and a half tablespoons;
  • Chocolate – 110 g.

Use only classic chocolate: nothing other than dark will do.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cream and honey in one bowl and heat in a water bath.
  2. Grind the chocolate bar and add to the heated mixture. Continue the heating process.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and cool.
  4. Add oil, stir.

Sour cream ganache recipe

You only need three ingredients - this is the recipe: 8 tablespoons. sour cream, 6 tsp. cocoa and the same amount of sugar. Mix all ingredients in a common saucepan and cook until thickened, stirring continuously. This will only take a few minutes. To improve the color, you can add a small piece of butter. 5 minutes - and the simplest sour cream ganache is ready!

Cake with chocolate ganache is a wonderful delicacy that is very easy and quick to prepare. But the taste is amazing and unforgettable!

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Cream ganache- This is a thick mixture prepared on the basis of chocolate, cream and butter. Ganache is often decorated and soaked confectionery. This chocolate cream was first prepared in a French confectionery called Sirodena in 1849. Depending on the components of the product, the temperature at which it should be served changes.

Most often, ganache is used to make huge and luxurious cakes, to soak them, level them or decorate them with a design. You don't need a lot of money to make chocolate ganache. The main thing is that the chocolate is natural, otherwise it will curdle, combining with the cream.

There are three types of ganache: based on milk, dark and white chocolate. The cream can also have a different aroma, for example, it can be mint, lemon, etc. To do this, just add a little mint or zest to the cream. An unusual taste is obtained by adding all kinds of fruit purees.

You can learn more about how to make ganache from white and dark chocolate from the following step by step recipe with photo.


  • (100 g (cocoa content not less than 70%))

  • (150 ml)

  • (30 g)

  • (50 g)

  • (200 g)

Cooking steps

    First, let's make a cream based on white chocolate.

    Break the white chocolate bar into small pieces. Turn on the stove to melt the chocolate using a water bath.

    Add hot cream to chocolate.

    Remove the chocolate from the heat every 20 seconds and mix thoroughly. The main thing is that it does not overheat, otherwise it will curl.

    Stir the white chocolate mixture until smooth and let cool. After it has cooled slightly, add the butter and mix all the ingredients again.

    Pour the resulting cream into a pastry bag.

    We tie the bag with an elastic band and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours (preferably, of course, overnight). Before using the cream, take it out one hour so that it comes to room temperature.

    Let's start preparing the dark chocolate ganache. It will be a little more difficult here because you need to add strawberry puree to the cream.

    Wash the strawberries and remove the stems from the berries. Put it in a blender.

    Use a blender to make strawberry puree.

    Just as in the previous version, stir and heat the mixture.

    Cool the mixture and add oil. Strain the strawberry puree through a sieve.

    Add puree to the cream and mix all the ingredients.

    Pour the dark chocolate ganache into a bag and put it in the refrigerator.

    Now you can start filling or decorating the confectionery.

    Bon appetit!

Different creams are needed, different creams are important... One is for biscuits, the other is for cakes, and also for custard... I bring to your attention 7 delicious universal creams. Let's start with one of the very popular and stable creams.
  1. Ganache
Ganache is a cream based on chocolate, black, milk or white. A cream in which melted chocolate is made more liquid by adding liquid to it. Cream, milk, tea, water, milk, berry and fruit purees can be used as a liquid. The most important thing in this cream is technology and the correct ratio. Basic ratio of liquid to chocolate: 1:1 (for example, 100g chocolate per 100g cream). The more liquid, the thinner the cream will be, choose the ratio according to what you need the ganache for. If you want to make a fruit or berry ganache, prepare a smooth, lump-free puree at room temperature. It is better to use the following ratio: for 100 g of chocolate – 80 grams of cream and 20-30 grams of fruit puree. Manufacturing technology: Chop the chocolate very finely and set aside. Heat the cream, no need to boil! Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and begin stirring vigorously. Do not stop until the mixture becomes homogeneous. For smoothness and shine, add a knob of butter to the still warm mixture and beat everything with an immersion blender, without lifting the blender from the chocolate. The cream will be liquid. Place it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, but check the consistency periodically. As it cools, the ganache will begin to thicken. When you see the consistency you want, remove the cream from the refrigerator. You can beat with a mixer for fluffiness. If you want to frost the cake with ganache (as in the photo below), use the cream in a liquid state, allowing it to cool slightly. If you are making truffles, then there is no need to beat the cream with a mixer after cooling. Ganache is great for any type of dough. It is very durable and suitable for decorating and creating cream designs.
The following are the recipes:
  1. Swiss meringue
  2. Custard
  3. Oil
  4. Cream muslin
  5. Creamy
What creams do you like?

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine the work of popular confectioners without such cream as white chocolate ganache. About him unique properties every self-respecting chef knows.

This cream:

  • keeps its shape perfectly;
  • suitable for applying warm glaze;
  • suitable for mastic;
  • holds its shape well on cupcakes;
  • It reacts better than other creams to heat, i.e. does not melt;
  • Waffle and sugar pictures do not flow down on it.

Ganache is a homogeneous mixture of chocolate and heavy cream, brought to an emulsion. Butter is sometimes used as a substitute for cream, but this cream is much richer. In any case, the original ganache emphasizes cream.

Origin story

The search for the perfect, stable cream for cakes could have taken pastry chefs forever, if not for one fateful incident. Ganache is translated from French as “fool”, and the history of the creation of the cream is quite funny.

The sloppy cook spilled hot cream into the melted chocolate and tried to hide the evidence of his carelessness by stirring everything. But the experienced chef saw through the trickster, and an annoyed “Ganache!” was heard throughout the kitchen. But before writing off the mistake as scrap, the chef decided to try what happened and adapt the find to some dish. He was amazed delicate taste and over time improved the cream recipe, making it an important part confectionery art. Only one thing reminded cooks of the origin of the cream - the ridiculous name ganache.

White chocolate ganache appeared a little later, when white chocolate bars took their rightful place in the confectionery craft. This comes after years of disdain for chocolate without cocoa liquor and its recycled status.

The composition of this popular cream extremely simple - chocolate and cream. But the properties of the finished product, which are so valued by confectioners, fully depend on the quality of these ingredients.

White ganache starts with premium white chocolate. Not suitable for cream:

  1. porous;
  2. with fillings;
  3. With vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter.

The easiest way to find good chocolate is in specialized confectionery stores.

As for the cream, it should be as rich and fresh as possible, preferably homemade. If you cannot find such cream, then in the process of preparing the ganache, butter is introduced into the mixture, which must also be of the highest quality.

Another advantage of white ganache is the ability to color it with gel dyes. Thanks to this, the cake can be made in any possible color.

Both ingredients are taken in a ratio of 3 to 1 if the cream is used for leveling, and 2:1 in cases of decorating cupcakes. The total mass of cream and butter should not exceed the specified proportions.

For example, for alignment let's take:

  • 540 g white chocolate;
  • 180 ml cream from 30%;
  • or 80 ml of cream and 100 g of butter 82.5%.

Among other things, white ganache can be given any flavor using fruit or berry purees. The following proportion is observed here: as much puree is added, as much cream is taken away. But the total percentage of fruit and berry mass should not exceed 30% for thick purees and 20% for thinner mixtures.

Because of the intricacies of mixing and temperature balance, heating and melting is best done in a double boiler, so have two thick-walled metal containers ready. When cooling, it is better to use a glass bowl. Prepare the dishes in advance; they should be dry and clean.

Cooking process

White chocolate ganache starts with chopping the chocolate. IN original recipe It is indicated that you need to mix separately heated cream and melted chocolate, but for a beginner this is a very difficult process.

  1. Combine the chocolate and cream in one container and place them in a prepared water bath. For stirring, choose a silicone spatula or a regular spoon. The chocolate will begin to melt little by little.
  2. The chocolate will clump at first, but this is normal - the dissolution should proceed smoothly.
  3. At the end of the process, a smooth, homogeneous mass with a glossy sheen is obtained. If coloring is provided for the cream, dyes are introduced at this moment.
  4. The cream is removed from the heat and cooled to 40 degrees Celsius.
  5. If you introduce butter, that very moment has come. The oil should be at room temperature. It is introduced and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  6. The next step is cooling. Ganache pours into glassware and covers cling film close. The container is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until it hardens.
  7. After this, it is taken out and beaten with a mixer. As a result, the mass brightens, increases in volume and becomes more pliable.

White chocolate ganache is ideal for covering the cake immediately after the procedure. If the cream has already warmed up, it is better to cool it a little again. It is best to apply the cream with a dry, hot spatula, this will ensure even distribution.

Attention, errors!

Here are the main mistakes when creating and working with ganache:

  • In many recipes, it is customary to heat the ingredients separately. However, separate melting of the ingredients by an inexperienced pastry chef often leads to separation of the ganache and the impossibility of further working with the mixture.
  • You should not use wooden spatulas or spoons when mixing, as they easily absorb odors and can impart foreign flavors to the cream.
  • Even if you have become a master at melting chocolate in... microwave oven, you should not do this when working with ganache. To obtain the desired structure, a precise balance of temperature is required, which is impossible to maintain due to the different heating rates of chocolate and cream, as well as the lack of constant stirring.
  • In some recipes, cooks pour hot cream over the grated chocolate to achieve the desired mass. However, this method is fraught with overheating of the top layer of chocolate and its delamination.
  • When using ganache as a layer between the cakes, keep in mind that this is a very dry cream and when using it, the cakes need to be soaked.
  • The ganache may crack if the cake has not stood sufficiently and has shrunk, or the cream layer is too thin.
  • If the cream does not harden, you have used low-quality products. But you can save it by adding a little melted and cooled chocolate.

As you may have noticed, ganache is not as simple as it seems. But with the right amount of patience, you can create a real one. cooking masterpiece, which will meet all expectations!